Monday, 16 April 2012

Crikey...I need a moan....

Ok so, I got home from work and immediately started to make supper - nothing glamorous but potatoes needed peeled etc.  I then served this fine meal, cleared up the dishes afterwards, cleaned down the kitchen, did homework with smallest child, hung a washing up, ran a bath for smallest person, sorted out her dirty clothes, sorted out her school uniform ready for ironing, made her packed lunch, did bedtime routine at same time was doing higher maths with older child.   Then had to chastise smallest person for breaking older child's new headphones, then cleaned up the bathroom (now flooded because of small person's bath) and finally got to sit down for half an hour before doing ironing.   Now I am not a single parent.  I do have a husband.  What was he doing whilst all this was happening?  Erm....sitting on the sofa watching TV as he does every night.

Now I had the audacity to mention that he might like to take a shot of the bedtime routine for smallest child....apparently husband doesn't do that....erm... and then the conversation got slightly I tootle off as I am too busy to stand and argue with an idiot. 

This is a typical day for me.  I generally get time to myself about 10.30pm onwards - sometimes a little more if I can wangle it.  Husband on the other hand only goes to work and back and by all accounts doesn't exactly flog himself when he is surfing...!  So, I wonder if other people have this issue.  Is there always one Lazy and one Busy person?  I naively thought that couples worked in teams and tried to do the chores together?   Did I do something terrible in a previous life?  I do wonder...!

Normally I can do all this without too much effort but unfortunately, the hormone roller coaster is in town (peri menopause by all accounts) and I am absolutely shattered.    If it's not too much to ask for from the Universe, can I throw back the useless Lazy Partner and get a nice shiny new one that is kind and thoughtful and not half dead?  Pleeeeeeeease?   Just a little shoulder to lean on...nothing too amazing....someone who actually can cook occasionally, knows their way about a vacuum??   Perhaps someone who doesn't see the wife and kids as his personal slaves? 

Life isn't all bad....had a chance to perv over a lovely dish I tried recently - recipe courtesy of Hugh F.W. - it's courgettes and rice wrapped in filo pastry and it's bloody good.  I don't even like courgettes but I could eat this all day every day!  Anyway, have found the recipe but as everyone should know by now, I will never be able to cook it here because LB husband doesn't like food - really....nothing.......nothing at favourite meal....nothing...aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Add 'must love food' to nice shiny new person request...........

Moan over.  Thanks for letting me rant....

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